Video #Electrified mobility

Bosch Battery Systems - Insight into battery development

Bosch Battery Systems develops, manufactures and markets battery systems for different types of vehicles, such as micro hybrid, plug-in hybrid and purely battery-powered electric vehicles. Our product range extends from individual battery components to full range battery systems from a single source. The development of lithium-ion batteries requires the integration and testing of various components, such as battery cells, modules, battery management system and battery disconnect unit as well as the complete battery system. In an early development phase, the testing of Li-ion batteries is carried out in a safe test environment like our test containers. The sample shop is responsible for the buildup of prototypes in the development phase. The aim is to ensure a cost-efficient and on-time delivery of our battery systems but also to develop and test manufacturing, security, analysis, service and recycling concepts for the series phase. Quality and safety are always in the foreground. The usage of agile methods, such as scrum, in the daily work and the related iterative working method supports transparency and values like openness and responsibility of the team members for a common goal. Therefore, the Innovation Center, established in 2014 in Stuttgart-Feuerbach is the suitable place for a quick idea realization outside the daily business, for cross-functional exchange and for interaction of subjects and employees.