Infographic #Business/economy

Electrification megatrend: electromobility as a future core business

Media-ID #9be3ac9e

Electrification megatrend: electromobility as a future core business

In powertrain technology, electromobility is establishing itself as Bosch’s core business. For that reason, the supplier of technology and services is making heavy upfront investments in this area – a further 700 million euros in 2021. Up to now, its upfront investments in electromobility total five billion euros. The aim is to increase annual sales fivefold to a total of some five billion euros by 2025 and to break even one year earlier. Overall, Bosch had acquired orders worth over 20 billion euros by the end of 2020.

Reproduction for press purposes free of charge with credit “Picture: Bosch”.