Image #Bosch Group

Key data of the 2023 business year

Media-ID #7adf4ef1

Key data of the 2023 business year

In 2023, the supplier of technology and services generated sales of 91.6 billion euros despite unfavorable economic and market conditions. This is an increase of 3.8 percent, or an exchange rate-adjusted 8.0 percent. EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) from operations reached 4.8 billion euros (2022: 3.8 billion euros). At 5.3 percent, the EBIT margin from operations was 1 percentage point higher than the previous year. It was therefore higher than expected, but still lower than the target margin of at least 7 percent required over the long term. Research and development expenditure remained stable at a high level of 7.3 billion euros (2022: 7.2 billion euros). Capital expenditure reached a new high of 5.5 billion euros (2022: 4.9 billion euros). As of December 31, 2023, Bosch employed 429,416 people worldwide.

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