Image #Bosch Group

Portable saw station with 12V power for a wide range of projects in and around the home

Media-ID #b2da9ee8

Portable saw station with 12V power for a wide range of projects in and around the home

The Dremel Blueprint portable saw station provides users with everything they need to put a wide range of projects in and around their home into practice, such as installing baseboard trim and molding as well as flooring, putting together custom built-in shelving, and creating board and batten accent walls. For such applications, the all-in-one solution replaces bigger, bulkier circular saws and miter saws which can intimidate beginner DIYers. When not in use, it conveniently folds away to fit in tight spaces like closets, garages, or under beds.

Reproduction for press purposes free of charge with credit “Picture: Bosch”