2020 financial statements: business year better than expected

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2020 financial statements: business year better than expected

The encouraging 2020 business year – despite the pandemic – with an operating result (EBIT from operations, adjusted for the effects of purchase-price allocations for Automotive Steering and BSH Hausgeräte) of 2.0 billion euros provides Bosch, the supplier of technology and services, with a sound footing on which to continue to invest in areas of future importance. Sales amounted to 71.5 billion euros, and EBIT margin from operations reached 2.8 percent. Adjusted for restructuring expenses, which additionally burdened result in 2020, the figure was 4.7 percent. As of December 31, 2020, the Bosch Group employed some 395,000 associates worldwide. Worldwide, the number of researchers and engineers stood at around 73,200. The number of software developers grew by more than 10 percent to around 34,000. With its more than 400 locations worldwide, the Bosch Group has been carbon neutral since the first quarter of 2020.

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